
For support or if you have any questions on anything be sure to contact us on our Discord

Top Customer

No top donator to display yet.

Recent Payments

  • malocg

    Gold 7.30 USD

  • Kuiyzz

    Emerald 12.60 USD

  • Pachitol

    Emerald 12.60 USD

  • ElParkfa5448

    Emerald 15.25 USD


    COVID Prefix 14.10 USD

Partner Packages

Packages allow you to win a special random item on our server.

You can click on the package you want, to get more information about each item that you can get.

  • Important: You need to be connected in the game so that no error occurs with the purchase. If you bought it offline and didn't get what you bought, you can create a ticket with your purchase proof through our Discord:

x1 Partner Package

0.90 USD

x5 Partner Package

2.50 USD

x10 Partner Package

4.80 USD